Ultramark Touch-Up Markers

Product # M2803944
If you can write, you can touch up furniture defects instantly! Contains lightfast pigments which seal, stain, and finish in one easy operation. Ideal for edge and scratch recoloring. Compatible with all types of finishes. Use in conjunction with Mohawk Fil-Stik Putty Sticks and E-Z Flow Burn-in Sticks. For further protection, can be sprayed with Tone Finish® Clears as well as other lacquers, acrylics, varnishes, and urethanes. Replacement nibs are available in four different styles: chisel point, writing point, bullet point, and metallic chisel point.
Color: Dove White W/Cocoa 9731200a15 Almond Almond Almond #2 Almond #2 American Green American Green American Hewn - Red American Hewn - Red American Hewn - White American Hewn - White American Walnut American Walnut Antique White Antique White Artisan Bronze Artisan Bronze Ash Ash Awc White Awc White Black Black Black #2 Black #2 Black Glaze Black Glaze Brown Mahogany Brown Mahogany Brown Mahogany #2 Brown Mahogany #2 Brown Maple Brown Maple Buttercreme Buttercreme CAFE/SM RYE M01 CAFE/SM RYE M01 Carbon Carbon Charcoal Charcoal Charter Oak Charter Oak Cherry Cherry Cherry BG Cherry BG Cherry Toast Cherry Toast Chestnut Chestnut Chiffon/Cashmere Chiffon/Cashmere Cinnamon Cinnamon Clove Clove Cognac Cognac Cognac Hickory Cognac Hickory Cognac Maple Cognac Maple Dark Fruitwood Dark Fruitwood Dark Red Mahogany Dark Red Mahogany Dark Red Mahogany #2 Dark Red Mahogany #2 Deep Cherry Deep Cherry Deep Cordovan Deep Cordovan Dove White Dove White Driftwood Driftwood Driftwood #2 Driftwood #2 Driftwood Kmc #sn372 Driftwood Kmc #sn372 Ebony Mist Ebony Mist Eggnog Eggnog English Ivy English Ivy English Saddle English Saddle Espresso Espresso Eventide Eventide Extra Dark Walnut Extra Dark Walnut Extra Dark Walnut #2 Extra Dark Walnut #2 Fawn Fawn Fog Cherry SM Fog Cherry SM Fontana Fontana Golden Lager Golden Lager Golden Oak Golden Oak Graphite Graphite Gray Maple Gray Maple Greyloft w/Sable 9731200b66m Greyloft w/Sable 9731200b66m Hazelnut Glaze Hazelnut Glaze Heritage Cherry Heritage Cherry Honey/Carmel Honey/Carmel Hunter Green Hunter Green Innsbruck White Innsbruck White Intense Champagne Intense Champagne Ironstone Ironstone Ivory Creme Ivory Creme Kaffe Kaffe Kona Kona Light Champagne Light Champagne Light Fruitwood Light Fruitwood Light Golden Oak Light Golden Oak Light Golden Oak #2 Light Golden Oak #2 Light Natural Oak Light Natural Oak Light Oak Light Oak Light Red Mahogany Light Red Mahogany Light Walnut Light Walnut Mahogany/Cherry Mahogany/Cherry Maple Fonder Maple Fonder Maple Paprika Maple Paprika Maple Spice Maple Spice Medium Brown Glaze Medium Brown Glaze Medium Dark Walnut Medium Dark Walnut Medium Gray Medium Gray Medium Walnut Medium Walnut Mocha Mocha Modern Mahogany Modern Mahogany Mushroom Mushroom Natural Natural Natural/Honey Spice Natural/Honey Spice Natural Cherry Natural Cherry Natural Maple Natural Maple Natural Maple (N360) Natural Maple (N360) Nutmeg Nutmeg Nutmeg Butterscotch Nutmeg Butterscotch Nutmeg Cherry Nutmeg Cherry O/H Light Natural O/H Light Natural Oak/Hickory/Nutmeg Oak/Hickory/Nutmeg Oak / Hickory Cider Oak / Hickory Cider Old World Mahogany Old World Mahogany Paprika 9731200PKM Paprika 9731200PKM Parchment Parchment Parisian Blue, French Country Parisian Blue, French Country Pearl Pearl Pearl/Oak Pearl/Oak Pebble Gray 9731200b83m Pebble Gray 9731200b83m Peppercorn Peppercorn Peppercorn 9731200PPC Peppercorn 9731200PPC Perfect Brown Perfect Brown Pickle Frost Pickle Frost Pine Pine Pine #2 Pine #2 Praline 9731200PRL Praline 9731200PRL Quicksilver Quicksilver Raw Umber Raw Umber Rich Cherry Rich Cherry Rich Gold Rich Gold Rich Walnut Rich Walnut Royal Royal Royal Blue Royal Blue Rye Rye Rye Maple Rye Maple Sable Maple Sable Maple Sage Sage Saratoga Cherry Saratoga Cherry Sedona Maple Sedona Maple Silk AW Silk AW Silk Background Silk Background Silver Metallic Silver Metallic Slate Slate SM Slate SM Slate Spice Spice Spice Maple Spice Maple Spice Oak Spice Oak Statesman Oak Statesman Oak Stone Stone Stone UC Stone UC Sunrise Sunrise SY Casual Blue SY Casual Blue Terrace Place - Antique White Terrace Place - Antique White Toffee Toffee Traditional Cherry Traditional Cherry Traditional Walnut Traditional Walnut Tuscany Tuscany Universal Cherry Universal Cherry Van Dyke Brown Van Dyke Brown Villandry Villandry Walnut Walnut Warm Cherry Warm Cherry White White White Melamine #1 White Melamine #1 White Melamine #2 White Melamine #2 White Sand White Sand Whitewash Whitewash Modify Options
Product # Color
M2803944 Dove White W/Cocoa 9731200a15
M2800401 Almond
M2800007 Almond #2
M2810314 American Green
M2813145 American Hewn - Red
M2813144 American Hewn - White
M2800207 American Walnut
M2800031 Antique White
M2804008 Artisan Bronze
M2802001 Ash
M2803527 Awc White
M2800002 Black
M2800224 Black #2
M2804005 Black Glaze
M2800229 Brown Mahogany
M2800003 Brown Mahogany #2
M2800236 Brown Maple
M2801506 Buttercreme
M2804024 CAFE/SM RYE M01
M2800176 Carbon
M2810003 Charcoal
M2816355 Charter Oak
M2800004 Cherry
M2800408 Cherry BG
M2800373 Cherry Toast
M2804030 Chestnut
M2804049 Chiffon/Cashmere
M2804042 Cinnamon
M2804036 Clove
M2823653 Cognac
M2804014 Cognac Hickory
M2804013 Cognac Maple
M280D404 Dark Fruitwood
M2800015 Dark Red Mahogany
M2800227 Dark Red Mahogany #2
M2800008 Deep Cherry
M2800385 Deep Cordovan
M2804050 Dove White
M2810503 Driftwood
M2815029 Driftwood #2
M2800058 Driftwood Kmc #sn372
M2804009 Ebony Mist
M2801502 Eggnog
M2801503 English Ivy
M2804035 English Saddle
M28000116 Espresso
M2804032 Eventide
M2800001 Extra Dark Walnut
M2800209 Extra Dark Walnut #2
M2813154 Fawn
M2800372 Fog Cherry SM
M2800300 Fontana
M2804048 Golden Lager
M2800337 Golden Oak
M2810945 Graphite
M2800029 Gray Maple
M2804250 Greyloft w/Sable 9731200b66m
M2801525 Hazelnut Glaze
M2800009 Heritage Cherry
M2800221 Honey/Carmel
M2810007 Hunter Green
M2810014 Innsbruck White
M2810013 Intense Champagne
M2815028 Ironstone
M2801504 Ivory Creme
M2804012 Kaffe
M2804041 Kona
M2810335 Light Champagne
M280L404 Light Fruitwood
M2800415 Light Golden Oak
M2800005 Light Golden Oak #2
M2800200 Light Natural Oak
M2800014 Light Oak
M2800218 Light Red Mahogany
M2800206 Light Walnut
M2800381 Mahogany/Cherry
M2816350 Maple Fonder
M2804010 Maple Paprika
M2823652 Maple Spice
M2804011 Medium Brown Glaze
M2800234 Medium Dark Walnut
M2811479 Medium Gray
M2800205 Medium Walnut
M2804033 Mocha
M2800273 Modern Mahogany
M2801507 Mushroom
M2800102 Natural
M2800123 Natural/Honey Spice
M2804040 Natural Cherry
M2804025 Natural Maple
M280N360 Natural Maple (N360)
M2804027 Nutmeg
M2800411 Nutmeg Butterscotch
M2810320 Nutmeg Cherry
M2804001 O/H Light Natural
M2810336 Oak/Hickory/Nutmeg
M2804003 Oak / Hickory Cider
M2800010 Old World Mahogany
M2804037 Paprika 9731200PKM
M2804044 Parchment
M2813149 Parisian Blue, French Country
M2801508 Pearl
M2817694 Pearl/Oak
M2804380 Pebble Gray 9731200b83m
M2801530 Peppercorn
M2804016 Peppercorn 9731200PPC
M2800249 Perfect Brown
M2800324 Pickle Frost
M2800024 Pine
M2800006 Pine #2
M2804017 Praline 9731200PRL
M2800463 Quicksilver
M2800143 Raw Umber
M2800022 Rich Cherry
M2817702 Rich Gold
M2800011 Rich Walnut
M2804031 Royal
M2801509 Royal Blue
M2804046 Rye
M2804045 Rye Maple
M2804018 Sable Maple
M2800479 Sage
M2816205 Saratoga Cherry
M2804034 Sedona Maple
M2805000 Silk AW
M2815027 Silk Background
M2810436 Silver Metallic
M2804047 Slate
M2800017 SM Slate
M2804029 Spice
M2804015 Spice Maple
M2800023 Spice Oak
M2801523 Statesman Oak
M2802000 Stone
M2803618 Stone UC
M2804019 Sunrise
M2813147 SY Casual Blue
M2817690 Terrace Place - Antique White
M2804006 Toffee
M2800012 Traditional Cherry
M2800013 Traditional Walnut
M2813156 Tuscany
M2800391 Universal Cherry
M2801478 Van Dyke Brown
M2816580 Villandry
M2800359 Walnut
M2800308 Warm Cherry
M2800202 White
M2816383 White Melamine #1
M2810688 White Melamine #2
M2810011 White Sand
M2810403 Whitewash


Product #
Ultramark Touch-Up Markers
Application Method


  • Uniboard Edgebanding
  • Touch-Up Markers