Round Double-Point Support System for Glass Railing

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Front mounting

This system is used in several applications such as the perimeter of a terrace or the railing of a balcony.

Using the same principle as the fixing spacers for glass, this system allows the installation of glass panels on the facade.
The brackets fixed to the wall plate allow the glass to be moved away from the surface.

Excellent corrosion resistance for use in all outdoor installation projects.
Finish: Polished Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Select Options
Product # Finish
706SP0212205171 Polished Stainless Steel
706SP0212205170 Stainless Steel


Allows the glass panel to be installed parallel to the front of the balcony.
Can be attached to different substrates using the right anchors.
Suitable for several thicknesses of glass.


Safety Glass Thickness
15/32 to 19/32 in*
Type of Mounting
Face Mount
Mounting Side
Recommended Location Usage
Interior, Exterior, Coastal
8 in*
3 15/16 in*
Stainless Steel: Duplex 2205
Glass Drilling
Panel Height
Max. 47 1/4 in*
Panel Width
Max. 78 3/4 in*
Load Capacity for Two Brackets
Max. 99.2 lb*
Load Capacity for Four Brackets
Max. 198 lb*
Milling Diameter
25/32 in*
Milling C/C
3 15/16 in*
1 31/32 in*

Measures shown with an asterisk (*) have been converted as per your preference. These are not the official measures. To view the measures specified by the manufacturer, click here.



Front mounting with two fixing points
Drilling the glass required for use
Install the wall plate directly to the substrate, then install the supports, the glass and finalize with the caps.


1 support system and mounting hardware


For safety purposes, use tempered glass.
The use of power tools during installation may damage the hardware.
The glass must be shaped according to the section plane provided in the box.
Always set the product in a suitable material.
Never exceed the load or maximum size recommended by the manufacturer.
Never use a spray lubricant on this product.
Maintenance: clean with a soft cloth and non-abrasive soap or ammonia.
This illustration is provided for visual reference only. Actual product may differ from the illustration.
Order hardware before starting the job. The manufacturer reserves the right to change product and information without notice.
Always use the instructions inside the package.

Drawings and technical documents contain examples of hardware from different manufacturers.
The customer may in no case make a claim following the use of these documents.
The Company disclaims any responsibility for the structural details related to a construction or project.
Installation must be done by qualified personnel.


The preceding information as well as any technical recommendation given in writing, verbally or based on tests is provided to the best of our knowledge. However, recommendations are non-binding and do not diminish your responsibility for determining the correctness of these recommendations and the suitability of the product for your particular purpose. The application, use or processing of our products as well as the production of products based on our technical recommendations are beyond our control and therefore exclusively your responsibility. Sales of our products are subject to our most recent General Sales and Delivery Conditions. Please note that Richelieu will not accept any returns or claims for unpackaged products.