Gate Caster

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Barrier spring wheel

Gate caster with barrier spring wheel. Helps reduce sag on large or heavy gates. Easy to install.
Wheel Diameter: 2 15/16 in* 3 15/16 in* 4 29/32 in* 8 15/32 in* 8 29/32 in* Load Capacity Per Caster: 176 lb* 220 lb* 265 lb* 397 lb* Material: Metal / Hard Rubber Metal / Polyurethane Foam Metal / Rubber / Pneumatic 2.80/2.50-4 Finish: Black Zinc Tread Width: 31/32 in* 1 1/32 in* 1 3/16 in* 2 3/8 in* Total Height: 9 3/4 in* 10 5/8 in* 12 in* 18 1/8 in* 18 3/4 in* Select Options
Product # Wheel Diameter Load Capacity Per Caster Material Finish Tread Width Total Height
G24808 2 15/16 in* 176 lb* Metal / Hard Rubber Black 31/32 in* 9 3/4 in*
G24807 3 15/16 in* 220 lb* Metal / Hard Rubber Black 1 1/32 in* 10 5/8 in*
F24807 3 15/16 in* 220 lb* Metal / Hard Rubber Zinc 1 1/32 in* 10 5/8 in*
G24809 4 29/32 in* 265 lb* Metal / Hard Rubber Black 1 3/16 in* 12 in*
F21888 8 15/32 in* 397 lb* Metal / Polyurethane Foam Zinc 2 3/8 in* 18 3/4 in*
F24888 8 29/32 in* 220 lb* Metal / Rubber / Pneumatic 2.80/2.50-4 Zinc 2 3/8 in* 18 1/8 in*


Recommended Surfaces
Concrete, Steel, Wood/Planking, Asphalt, Gravel, Grass
Fastening Type
Swivel Without Brake
Mounting Type

Measures shown with an asterisk (*) have been converted as per your preference. These are not the official measures. To view the measures specified by the manufacturer, click here.



Spring dimensions:
F24807: < 3 15/16 in (100 mm)
F24888: < 5 1/2 in (139.7 mm)

See line art for more information



Technical data subject to change without prior notice.