U-Shaped Molding for 1/2" Material
U-Shaped Molding for 1/2" Material
Product # D0100580810
Product # | Height | Width | Color | Thickness | Length | Material | Packaging format |
D0100580810 | 1 in | 5/8 in | Aluminum | 1/16 in | 96 in | Anodized Aluminum | Length of 8 linear foot |
D016411210 | 1/2 in | 3/4 in | Aluminum | 1/8 in | 144 in | Anodized Aluminum | Length of 12 linear foot |
D0100820810 | 5/8 in | 5/8 in | Aluminum | 1/16 in | 96 in | Anodized Aluminum | Length of 8 linear foot |
D010082 | 5/8 in | 5/8 in | Aluminum | 1/16 in | 144 in | Anodized Aluminum | Length of 12 linear foot |
D01008108140 | 5/8 in | 5/8 in | Chrome | 1/16 in | 96 in | Anodized Aluminum | Length of 8 linear foot |
MRBNYM143M | 3/4 in | 3/4 in | Natural | 1/8 in | 144 in | Aluminum | Per unit |
D010058 | 1 in | 5/8 in | Aluminum | 1/16 in | 144 in | Anodized Aluminum | Length of 12 linear foot |
Disclaimer: Picture for visual reference only: actual product may vary from that shown in photo. The dimensions and finish may vary due to manufacturing methods. All technical drawings and documents contain examples for the assembly of different supplier hardware. The customer cannot derive any claims from the use of these documents. No responsibility is assumed for design details relating to the construction or project. The preceding information as well as any technical recommendations given in writing, verbally or based on tests are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they are non-binding recommendations only and do not affect your responsibility to determine the correctness of given recommendations and suitability of the product for your particular purposes. The application, use or processing of our products as well as the production of products based on our technical recommendations are beyond our control and therefore fall exclusively in your area of responsibility. Sales of our products are effected according to our most updated General Sales and Delivery Conditions. Please note that Richelieu will not accept any returns or claims for unpackaged products.

U-Shaped Molding for 1/2" Material
Product # D0100580810
Length of 8 linear foot