SeamFil Laminate Repair Tube

Product # 937
Repair nicks, seams and gouges with ease. SeamFil bonds mechanically to the substrate of laminate. This product dries hard and becomes a permanent part of the laminate surface. It resists moisture, detergents, and other household products as effectively as the original laminate. In addition to standard joints, SeamFil works very well on cracks, chips and other imperfections where the dark substrate is visible. When properly used, SeamFil will hide defects beautifully for the life of the counter.

18 to 24 month shelf life for unopened product.
Details: SeamFil Tube Color: Primary Red Almond Almond Antique White Antique White Birch Birch Black Black Brown Brown Butcher Block Butcher Block Clear Gloss Clear Gloss Dark Gray Dark Gray Folkstone Formica Grey Folkstone Formica Grey Frosty White Frosty White Light Gray Light Gray Mahogany Mahogany Maple Maple Olive Olive Orange Orange Pink Pink Primary Yellow Primary Yellow Spectrum Blue Spectrum Blue Spectrum Green Spectrum Green Tan Tan Teak Teak White White Modify Options
Product # Details Color
937 SeamFil Tube Primary Red
944 SeamFil Retarder Neutral
941 SeamFil Tube Almond
1572 SeamFil Tube Antique White
935 SeamFil Tube Birch
914 SeamFil Tube Black
913 SeamFil Tube Brown
942 SeamFil Tube Butcher Block
943 SeamFil Tube Clear Gloss
903 SeamFil Tube Dark Gray
927 SeamFil Tube Folkstone Formica Grey
SF1573 SeamFil Tube Frosty White
902 SeamFil Tube Light Gray
918 SeamFil Tube Mahogany
931 SeamFil Tube Maple
939 SeamFil Tube Olive
940 SeamFil Tube Orange
919 SeamFil Tube Pink
936 SeamFil Tube Primary Yellow
9460 SeamFil Tube Spectrum Blue
945 SeamFil Tube Spectrum Green
904 SeamFil Tube Tan
933 SeamFil Tube Teak
901 SeamFil Tube White