BLUM Mounting Plates with Adjusting Cam

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Fixing Type: Euro Screw-On Expanding Dowel Screw-On Quick Assembly / Toolless / Inserta / Pre-Mounted Expando Dowels Plate height: 0 mm 12 mm 16 mm 19 mm 22 mm 25 mm 29 mm 3 mm 6 mm 9 mm Finish: Black Onyx Black Onyx Nickel Nickel Milling Depth: 0 in* 9/32 in* 7/16 in* Milling Diameter: 0 in* 3/16 in* Select Options
Product # Fixing Type Plate height Finish Milling Depth Milling Diameter
173H910180 Euro Screw-On 0 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H91012180 Euro Screw-On 19 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H91314180 Euro Screw-On 22 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H91016180 Euro Screw-On 25 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H91318180 Euro Screw-On 29 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H913180 Euro Screw-On 3 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H9104180 Euro Screw-On 6 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H9136180 Euro Screw-On 9 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
174H710181 Expanding Dowel 0 mm Black Onyx 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
174H710ZE180 Expanding Dowel 0 mm Nickel 9/32 in* 3/16 in*
174H710180 Expanding Dowel 0 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H710180 Screw-On 0 mm Nickel 0 in* 0 in*
173H9108180 Screw-On 12 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H91310180 Screw-On 16 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*
173H713180 Screw-On 3 mm Nickel 0 in* 0 in*
174H713180 Quick Assembly / Toolless / Inserta / Pre-Mounted Expando Dowels 3 mm Nickel 7/16 in* 3/16 in*



Measures shown with an asterisk (*) have been converted as per your preference. These are not the official measures. To view the measures specified by the manufacturer, click here.